Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Pattern Available

Hi Everyone,

Things have been going really well and we are now able to release our new pattern "Hearts and Vines" ahead of schedule. However, it is at the cost of "Mostly Dots". I have had to put this pattern on the back burner for a while but I'm hoping to get to finish it later in the year. I apologise to those of you who are wanting it.

Hearts and Vines (57" x 57") is a stunning design consisting of four centre blocks and a magnificent curved outer border. It is the sort of quilt that can be taken with you to hand sew - particularly the centre. Flowers, bias and leaves make up most of the applique on the quilt. The outer border is unusual and the finished quilt will make a gorgeous addition to a bed or wall.

See the online store on our website http://www.robianappliquedesigns.com.au for further details.

Happy Quilting,
